Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives Staff

Kevin Gibson

Kevin Gibson, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice Provost for Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives

Dr. Gibson (he/his) is a Professor in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. Dr. Gibson earned a B.S from Indiana University, an M.S. from San Diego State University, and his Ph.D in Plant Ecology from the University of California, Davis. In addition to his teaching and research responsibilities, Dr. Gibson serves as an Associate Vice Provost in the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars and as the Program Director for the Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership, an initiative funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to support Indigenous graduate students in STEM fields.


Odalys J. Torres-Luquis, Ph.D.

Odalys J. Torres-Luquis, Ph.D.

Senior Program Manager, Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives (OGDI)

Dr. Odalys (she/her) is the Senior Program Manager for the Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives. As a First-Generation Doctoral student, she earned her B.S from the University of Puerto Rico-Humacao with a major in General Biology. In August 2021, she completed her Doctorate’s degree in Comparative Pathobiology from Purdue University with her research thesis focused on Breast Cancer. Odalys’ goal is to provide access to resources to the students who participate in the OGDI programs so they can have the best academic and professional experience in an environment they feel comfortable with. Odalys likes to read, play video games, and watch movies; sometimes when she realizes she’s been indoors for too long then and only then she likes to go hiking.  


Theresa Bescher

Theresa Bescher, M.S.

Program Manager, Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives (OGDI)
Phone: 765-494-0945

Theresa Bescher (She/ Her) is the lead administrative assistant for the Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives. Theresa received her Bachelor’s degree from Ball State University, with double majors in History and Journalism and a minor in Women’s Studies. In June 2022 she completed her Master’s degree in Organizational and Social Services from Purdue Global. Theresa loves working with the students who participate in OGDI programs and is committed to assisting them to reach their academic and personal goals. In addition to spending time with her husband and teenage son, Theresa enjoys genealogical research, scary movies, and travel.


Casey Hollingsworth

Casey Hollingsworth

Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of Graduate Diversity Initiatives (OGDI)
Phone: 765-494-2604

Casey (she/her) is the Executive Assistant to Associate Dean Kevin Gibson and the Program Coordinator for the Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership (SIGP) Program. Casey received her Bachelor’s degree from Purdue University majoring in Public Relations and dual minors in Organizational Leadership and Asian Studies. She has been with the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars in various roles since 2011. She loves reading and traveling but spends much of her time transporting her children to their growing number of athletic and extracurricular activities.